How to Take Care
Of Your New Terrarium

Here’s all you need to know.

Light: Place your terrarium in a bright window that doesn’t get too hot. An East window, a North window or a West window should be fine. A South window may get to hot in the afternoon. Your terrarium does not like the hot direct sun for more than 45 minutes at a time.

If your terrarium had eyes, it should be able to see the beautiful blue sky from wherever you place it. Remember that light does not go around corners. It only bounces off of walls and floors. Your terrarium needs light.

Temperature: Keep your terrarium between 55 and 85 degrees.

Water: If your terrarium has a tighter fitting lid, it should never need to be watered.

If your terrarium has a loose fitting lid, it may need to be watered just a little bit every three months or so.

How much is a little bit? Around 1 table spoon for a small terrarium. Around 1/4 cup for a medium size terrarium and around 1/2 cup for a larger terrarium. That’s every 3 MONTHS, not weeks. No more!

When in doubt just call me at 503-926-1388 from 11 to 5 Thursday through Saturday.

Love: Your terrarium is a wonderful example of a loving community where everyone is “doing well for themselves
by doing good for others.”

Follow your terrarium’s example!

Since we all live in one huge terrarium called planet Earth, let your terrarium inspire you to play your part well by giving back to every sustaining relationship in your life. Who helps you thrive? Give back in your marriage, with your kids or parents, with your friends and neighbors, and even with the small, local businesses (like us) that help make your world a better place.

What?! You don’t have a terrarium yet? Well then, come by the shop ASAP or sign up for one of our Terrarium Planting Classes today.